• Rupanugas Inc

    The Rupanugas Corporation is a tax exempt organisation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and is organised and will be operated to promote organisation under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and is organised and will be operated to promote 
    1) organic farming; 2) animal cruelty free farming; 3) cow protection; and 4) ethical, environmentally responsible, and sustainable vegetarian living. The Corporation will accomplish this mission by means of education, public outreach events, community service, vegetarian food distribution, and yoga retreats
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  • "Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It's about doing more good."

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Rupanugas Foundation is a coalition of fervent individuals coming together with the aim of Protecting Commons, Cows, Distributing Sanctified Food,  Spreading of Vedic knowledge, all while using traditional wisdom with technology.

Our Mission

We drive a concerted effort to conserve as well as Protect our Sacred Cows and their Grasslands. We also aim to enlighten people with Vedic Knowledge and use it to help them with any stress/anxiety they are facing in todays world.

Our Vision

We envision our natural grasslands to be secured for future generations, and for the milching animals that can suitably only sustain on them. We also envision a world where we are back and connected to our Vedic roots

Glimpses of our Journey